Monday, January 30, 2012

news cans :-)


This past weekend I was not feeling so hot.  I think my husband as a result was bored.  Fortunately his boredom worked in my favor!  He decided to install a new garbage can system for us. 

He went to Lowe's and picked up these two boxes:

The first one is for a door mounting kit.  We wanted to have the door mounted to the slider so it was one easy step.  Not having to first open the cupboard and then pull out the garbage can.

 We are all about making things easy around here :-)

 The second box is the unit, it come with the garbage cans and everything.

 This is the cupboard we decided to use.  It is located between the sink and the dishwasher, hence the water line in the back.
(there was a shelf divider in here that was removed before the picture was taken)

My guy took it out of the box, assembled it and screwed it in place.  Then did the same with the cupboard door and door mounting kit. 

And Yippee skippy I have a rockin new set of garbage cans! 

I love them!  I have only gone to the spot where the old garbage can was 307 times.  I will figure it out once the fog clears from my brain :-)

I ordered cabinet hardware finally,  I am so excited to put it up! I will share the results soon.

Have a great day!

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